Thursday, October 22, 2009


Just LOOK at him~Humpppffffff! There he is, lounging in one of the chairs in the front yard... not a care in the world! I HATE this cat and slobber over him every chance I get, BUT...he likes to swat me with his claws and even though he is over 13 years old, he's pretty fast for an old guy! Mom (for some UNKNOWN reason) adores him. I'd like to chase him up a tree, but he's too FAT!!! Go figure.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Gigondas and sunset~SkyWatch Friday 100209

Gigondas is a big, red thoroughbred mare that I rescued from a slaughter-bound feedlot in WA state in 2006. I rescued her the same time I rescued my Beauty. They came down together from WA state. Immediately upon her arrival, Beauty picked me as her human, while Gigondas picked my husband. That was okay with me. Gigondas needed A human, any human, to bond with. She and hubby have now formed a very special bond. He goes out and talks to her, walks her, and spends hours brushing her, until her eyes close! He took this photo of her on September 11, 2009, when she was in the arena, at sunset. SkyWatch Friday for October 2, 2009. Enjoy your weekend!